when I look back now on the harsh times in my life, there are no pictures or smells which come to my mind first when I remember, it's songs. it's also a song when I think of my fav vacation so far or and even everybody in my family has an own song.
I'm quite complicated person when it comes to talk about music tho, I always have the feeling that the other part doesn't love the band or the song as much as I do and try to convince him or her that he or she is not paying enough attention. I also don't like it when a good band becomes all popular and everybody is talking about it like he knew it for ages. don't get me wrong, a good band deserves the attention and the money and everything it's just getting on my nerves when people who are actually not interested in music in general are talking like they know everything.
but I guess that's ok, it's just me who is over sensitive and in the end it's a good thing to happen for musicians.
right know I'm addicted to the Kings of Leon

Two of my all time favourite band I love to bits. but there is so much good music and thank god there always will be so I probably won't ever run out of music. happy happy
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