I'm getting used to my new haircut and I'm starting to love it. it's cool, something different and I somehow I feel like I have changed so much lately. not just the hair. so far it's a good thing.
I went shopping so much the last days, it's awful. I really shouldn't spend my money on clothes while planning to move in january. but there were this gorgoeus cardigan thingy and those lovely heart shaped rings. maybe I'll post some pictures when I'm home again. I find it always so difficult to imagine clothes when people are just describing it. oh and that gorgeous bag I've seen at vero moda, I must get it but it's a little too expensive for me right now. maybe next month.
two more things for the shopping list
*vera wang perfume: princess
*black or gray pieces bag
mr. c is getting on my nerves.
oh and did anybody hear about jennifer hudson. what a terrible thing to happen! what a bastard is able to do this! I don't know if I would ever be able to handle something like that!
very random post today.